It seems impossible to have this experience and not feel relaxed and grateful. Today’s walk was superb. It’s as if my inner landscape resonates with the tranquility of my outer landscape.
— Lisa D.
Your gentle, knowledgeable presence was a support for a deeper connection to the nature around me.
— Erin F.
I especially loved Pam’s nurturing, peaceful and open manner.
It was fantastic, thanks for the gift of your holistic leadership.
— Laura K.
The two hours just flew by and I feel like I do after a hard workout or after a massage…totally at peace!
— Lisa A.
Pam is a caring, inviting presence, who opens our heart, mind, and body to experiences of nature that inform on so many levels.
— Jill C.
I noticed so many details of nature that I had not taken the time to appreciate in the past. I was in awe of the peace of mind I experienced. Since then I have happily joined Pam on other occasions and always returned home feeling lighter and happier.
— Eleanor T.
This is how I would like to spend the last day of my life, so calming, connecting, and peaceful.
— Ginger K.
Forest bathing opens your eyes and your heart to the magic in nature.
— Cary B.